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ArtFriends. Going on: "What is art made? Materials "


Children aged 3 to 15 years who have features in development (social and intellectual developmental disorders: psyhomovnoho delayed development, mental retardation, Down syndrome, autism) PinchukArtCentre invites to class on "What is art made? Materials "educational program« ArtFriends ».

During the lesson the children will become familiar with a variety of materials and techniques existing in the art, and after a short tour, investigation and outdoor games, young guests Experiment with bubbles and colors. The event will start on the 5th floor of the "educational room." Classes will hold art center guide Olga Shishlova. Participation is free. Registration is required. The maximum number of children in a group of 8 participants.

Schedule of classes of the program «ArtFriends»:

April 12: Meet color!

«ArtFriends» - ​​PinchukArtCentre educational program for children 3-15 years old with special needs.

The purpose of training - to help participants integrate the cultural flow along with the other participants; develop and improve communication skills; harmonize the psycho-emotional sphere through interaction with art objects; unobtrusive way to introduce the world of contemporary art.

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