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Bruno Schulz Festival 2016, Drohobych, Drohobych


International Festival of Bruno Schulz in Drohobych - a long tradition of literary and scientific events, which this year complemented artistic events. The festival is dedicated to urban writer and artist of Jewish descent who died during the German occupation of the city.

Scientific discussions at the conference, an educational seminar devoted to biographies and writer, exhibitions, performances and concerts - all this awaits visitors to the festival.

Location: Drohobych.

Dates: from 3 to 9 June 2016.

The program Shultsfest 2016

The seventh Bruno Schulz Festival in Drohobych will bring together prominent intellectuals, critics, researchers and translators from around the world: Taiwan, Lithuania, Japan, Macedonia, France, USA and other countries. Traditionally occur:

  • major scientific conference "Bruno Schulz and the modern theory of culture";
  • discussion of writers and translators;
  • historical and cultural workshop;
  • exhibitions;
  • performances;
  • performances;
  • concerts and more.

The festival will come to the city:

  • Jane Smith of the music program "Karbido";
  • Sergei Zhadan prepared with "Dogs in Space";
  • theaters of Kyiv, Warsaw, Lodz and Kielce.

June 2, Thursday, PROLOGUE: LVIV

16:00 - Vernissage Stanislav Baja (Warsaw): «Genius loci, river and people."

Where: Lviv National Gallery of Arts. Voznytsky Boris Str. Vasil Stefanik, 3.

18:00 - Vernissage Jacob Voinarovsky (Krakow): "Dead Season".

Where: Gallery "Dziga" street. Armenian 35. Meeting with the author on June 6 at 17:00.


10:00 - Opening of the Festival. Greetings, speeches, performances.

Where: Lviv Regional Academic Music and Drama Theatre. Yuriy Drohobych Drohobych, pl. Theatre 1.

11:00 - inaugural lecture:

  • Grzegorz Ґauden, Polish and my adventures with Bruno Schulz.
  • Adam Michnik, Schultz as a spiritual experience of national cultures of the region, Polish, Jewish, Ukrainian, Austrian, German.
  • Yuri Vynnychuk eating Schulz. Lviv Regional Academic Music and Drama Theatre. Yuriy Drohobych Drohobych, pl. Theatre 1.

16:00 - Opening Day Trip: exhibitions and meetings with artists.

  • Defensive tower at the church of St. Bartholomew - Jakub Voynarovsky (Krakow): "Dead Season".
  • Church of St. Bartholomew - Tomek Sikora (Warsaw): "Incredibly for couples."
  • Yarosh Villa Street. Shevchenko, 23 - OFF-Inauguration of the festival.
  • Gymnastic Hall University, University main building, st. Franko, 24 - The exhibition "To the 120th anniversary gyms": Mariusz Dzhevinskyy (Lublin), "the floor and dummies" and Stanislaw Baj (Warsaw), "river people", Wlodzimierz Fink (Lodz): "Passport Bruno" Vlodko Kaufman (Lviv), video art "Theatre at the clock," Andrzej Kot (Lublin): "Alphabets" Robert Maciej (Warsaw): "The world that vidlynuv" Tadeusz Myslovskyy (Lublin - New York): Art Book «12 pairs of hands to Bruno Schulz, "Małgorzata Rybitska (Lublin): posters, Sergei Slyepuhin (Yekaterinburg):" Kalkohrafiyi. "
  • Synagogue Street. Orlyk, 6 - Ondrash Shuran (Budapest): "House of Eternity. The iconography of Jewish cemeteries, "Andrzej A. Videlskyy (Lublin):" From air and light. "

19:00 - Poetically-musical project «Atlas Estremo»: Jane Smith (Ivano-Frankivsk) & carbide (Wroclaw).

Where: Lviv Regional Academic Music and Drama Theatre. Yuriy Drohobych Drohobych, pl. Theatre 1.


10:00 - Literary and regional studies-friendly trip to Old Salts Hyrova and Swallows (for program participants of the Festival).

16:00 - 21:00 - Stay in "Taor Carpathians" Swallow, near Skhodnitsa:

  • Show art books: Jakub Voynarovsky, Krakow Academy of Fine Arts, "Dead Season". Moderators Grzegorz Yuzefchuk Vera tusk.
  • Schultz in the theater: Terror follow? Discussion directors Oleg Drach (Kyiv), Andrew Jurkiewicz (Drohobych), Andrzej Maria Marczewski (Pacific), Jozef Markotskyy (Wroclaw), Roman Valko (Lviv). Moderators Grzegorz Yuzefchuk Vera tusk.
  • Recreation in the open landscape.
  • Bonfire.

June 5, Sunday. TRUSKAVETS

10: 00-14: 00 - Vernissage meetings.

Where: Art Museum Mikhail Bilas, pl.Poet, 3, Truskavets.

10:00 - Visit to the Museum Mikhail Bilas, the former Villa Ґoplyana - Raymond Yarosh residence in Truskavets.

11:00 - Opening of the Chamber of collective exhibition from the collection of the Festival: Marian Pawel Botsyanovskyy (Lodz), Robert Hudzynskyy (Plonsk), Isabel Tsihonska (Warsaw), snappers Demidovskyy (Lublin), Wlodzimierz Fink (Lodz), Mariusz Dzhevinskyy (Lublin) , Dieter Yudt (Berlin), Piotr snappers (Lublin), Oleg Lyubkivskyy (Chernivtsi), Bartholomew Michalowski (Lublin), Marian Oleksyak (Drohobych), Max Skshechkovskyy (Kazimierz Dolny), Slawomir Wójtowicz (Warsaw) and others, as well as documents and artifacts.

11:15 - Opening of the exhibition Stanislav Ozhuґa (Rzeszów), "stuffed carp" (Cycles "Treasure antiquity", "Unwritten Tales", "stuffed carp", "Magnificent creatures" and illustrations for the stories of Bruno Schulz).

12: 00-14: 00 - Author tour with Stanislav Ozhuґom.


12:30 - Discussion with translators of Bruno Schulz:

  • Katie Kantaria (Tbilisi), Georgian translator.
  • Lydia Tanushevska (Skopje) Macedonian language translator.
  • Tapan Kerkkeynen (Helsinki) Finnish translator.
  • Wei Yun-Lin Ґuretska (Taipei - Krakow), Chinese interpreter.

Moderator: Andrew Pavlyshyn.

Where: City Library. Chornovil str. Shevchenko, 27.

16:00 - Meeting with Aґatoyu Tushino. Presentation of the book "Schulz bride."

Moderator: Vera tusk.

Where: City Library. Chornovil str. Shevchenko, 27.

After the meeting, Aґatoyu walk from Tushino former gymnasium. Henryk Sienkiewicz.

18:00 - Opening day at the cemetery: Piotr pictures snappers. Promotion of the book "Masks" Piotr snappers.

Where: Roman Catholic Cemetery Chapel Street. Truskavetska.

19:15 - The play "Letter to God" Crimea Anatoly dir. Igor Slavynsky. Kyiv Academic Drama Theater in Podil.

Where: Lviv Regional Academic Music and Drama Theatre. Yuriy Drohobych Drohobych, pl. Theatre 1.

21:00 - The play "To the Light" by John Frank, dir. Andrew Jurkiewicz Theater Alter, Drohobych.

Where: Villa Jarosz Street. 23 Shevchenko.


10: 00-18: 45 - The scientific conference "Bruno Schulz and the modern theory of culture."

Where: Drohobych State Pedagogical University. Ivan Franko, assembly hall, st. Franko, 24.

10:00 - Opening ceremony.

10:15 - Presentation of the book "Bruno Schulz: texts and contexts. Materials of VI International Festival of Bruno Schulz in Drohobych. " Presenter: Vera tusk.

10:30 - Plenary lecture:

  • Ryszard nich (Cracow), Bruno Schulz: art as cultural extravagance.
  • Michal Pawel Markowski (Chicago), Antysuchasnist Bruno Schulz.

11: 45-12: 30 - coffee break.

12: 30-14: 00 - Plenary session moderator: Michal Pawel Markowski:

  • Jerzy Yazhembskyy (Cracow), Schulz, journey.
  • Przemyslaw Chaplinska (Poznan), slutty virgin birth or pleasure Bruno Schulz.
  • Stanislav Rosyek (Gdansk), between the obverse and reverse. On sketches drawings of Bruno Schulz.
  • Marek Tomaszewski (Paris), extrapolation and anticipation of Bruno Schulz.

15: 30-17: 00 - Plenary session moderator: Jerzy Yazhembskyy:

  • Tamara Hundorova (Kyiv), Bruno Schulz in the light of the theory intermedialnosti.
  • Bill Stanley (Cambridge), post-colonial Schultz.
  • Olga Chervinska (Chernivtsi), Horizons and provoking poetic consciousness Bruno Schulz.
  • Maria Moklytsya (Lutsk), Genius loci Drohobych text: French or Schultz?

17: 00-17: 30 - coffee break.

17: 30-18: 45 - Plenary session moderator: Stanislav Rosyek:

  • Peter Rykhlo (Chernivtsi), Bruno Schulz in the context of the Vienna Art Nouveau.
  • Paul Pruhnyak (Cracow), Bird matter (addition to reading "Night of the great season").
  • Karen Underhil (Chicago), Bruno Schulz, Ephraim Moses Liliyen archeology and Jewish modernism in Poland.

19:15 - Author Yuri Andrukhovych evening.

Where: City Library. Chornovil str. Shevchenko, 27.

21:00 - Performance of "Femina", Jozef Markotskyy Theatre Forms (Wroclaw).

Where: Lviv Regional Academic Music and Drama Theatre. Yuriy Drohobych Drohobych, pl. Theatre 1.


10: 00-16: 30 - Continuation of the conference "Bruno Schulz and the modern theory of culture."

Where: Drohobych State Pedagogical University. Ivan Franko str. Franko, 24.

10: 00-11: 30 - sessions, section 1 (com.32) Moderator: Paul Pruhnyak:

  • Zaneta Nalevayk (Warsaw), Creativity Bruno Schulz - genres, discourses, contexts of culture in the future.
  • Faith tusk (Drohobych) Shultsova poetic exaggeration.
  • Rafal Koshany (Poznan), Literature and its "image". Bruno Schulz in the context of current research visuality.
  • Sergey Slyepuhin (Yekaterinburg), the optical phenomenon of metaphor Bruno Schulz.
  • Lena Barbara Ґyershevska (Kielce), cinematographic Schultz.

10: 00-11: 30 - sessions, section 2 (com. 20), moderator: Marek Wilczynski:

  • Alla Tatarenko (Lviv), Bruno Schulz`s prose as inspiration for Serbian and Croatian poets.
  • Marek Beilin (Warsaw) Tell the world. Schulz and eroticism Shapochnikov.
  • Arica Kato (Nagoya), hand motif in Shultz and Rilke.
  • Piotr Sitkevych (Gdansk), «À la manière de Bruno Schulz». Pasta, parody and imitation Schulz twenty years between the wars.

11: 30-12: 00 - coffee break.

12:00 - 13:30 - sessions, section 1 (com. 32), moderator: Marek Tomaszewski:

  • Arkadiusz Kalin (Poznan), the "Messiah" - Schulz horizons interpretations.
  • Marek Wilczynski (Gdansk), Gothic space: Jaworski - Ґrabinskyy - Schultz.
  • Zoran Dzherych (Novi Sad), dolls, mannequins and other imperfect creatures Bruno Schulz.
  • Oksana Lutsyshyna (Austin), and grotesque monster of Howard Phillips Lovecraft, Bruno Schulz and Stanislaw Lem.

12: 00-13: 30 - sessions, section 2 (com. 20), moderator: Zaneta Nalevayk:

  • Tomas Sufficient OP (Lublin) Christian who reads Schulz.
  • Jadwiga Mizinska (Lublin) Town timeless.
  • Elena Galeta (Lviv), Bruno Schulz from the perspective of literary anthropology.
  • Star Rybczynski (Lviv) Creation of Bruno Schulz as an introduction to anthropology everyday life.

15: 00-16: 30 - sessions, section 1 (com. 32) Moderator: Bill Stanley:

  • Philip Shalasek (Gdansk), Schulz know? Canon perception and potential dissidents.
  • Arthur Tsembik (Szczecin), Perception Schulz in school practice - chances and threats.
  • Faith Romanishyn (Drohobych), Elements panoptykalnoyi culture in Bruno Schulz.
  • Magdalena Yarnotovska (Łódź), Contexts of culture in the prose of Bruno Schulz and Zdzisław Beksiński.

17:00 - Meeting Jerzy Ficowska memory. Moderators: Faith tusk, Grzegorz Yuzefchuk.

Where: Drohobych State Pedagogical University. Ivan Franko, assembly hall, st. Franko, 24.

  • Video registration: Jerzy Ficowski the opening of the Museum of Bruno Schulz (19 November 2003).
  • Speakers: Elzbieta Ficowska, Anna Ficowska-Teodorovici.
  • Lecture: Jerzy Kandzora (Poznań), Greater Bruno Agent (the "Regions of great Heresy" Jerzy Ficowska).
  • Supplement: Katarzyna Kuchynska-Koshany (Poznan), Organic Holocaust story Jerzy Ficowska.
  • "Man Borderland": a film about Jerzy Ficowska, implementation, Tadeusz Vudzkyy.

20:00 - Concert In Memory of Alfred Shrayera: Hurt Alfred Shrayera.

Where: Lviv Regional Academic Music and Drama Theatre. Yuriy Drohobych Drohobych, pl. Theatre 1.

21:15 - installation & performance: Vlodko Kaufman (Lviv) & Alexander Maximov (Drohobych).

Where: Synagogue Street. Philip Orylyka 6.

22:00 - Public Museum, Krzysztof Zhvirblisa project (Movement Academy, Warsaw) and Alter Theatre (Drohobych).

Where: City Hall Courtyard.


10: 00-14: 00 - Seminar on cultural-historical "biography and work of Bruno Schulz: Drogobych interwar contexts." Moderators Jacek Kurchevskyy Leonid Timoshenko, Grzegorz Yuzefchuk.

Where: Faculty of History of the University of Drohobych, room. 205, vul. Ukrainian Lesya, 46.

  • Brief presentation of new publications.
  • Jacek Kurchevskyy (Warsaw), Drohobych - City transitional or liberated?
  • Leonid Tymoshenko (Drohobych), the first art exhibition of Bruno Schulz in Drohobych and Borislav (1921).
  • Grzegorz Yuzefchuk (Lublin), Drohobych in search of himself. Not only cemetery history.
  • Dariusz Voyakovskyy (Rzeszów) Local roots universal ideas. The daily life of cities Schulz Beksinskoho and Grotowski.
  • Andrew Pavlyshyn (Lviv), Anti-Semitism in Galicia in the 30s of the 20th century - a dramatic picture of Bruno Schulz.

Coffee break.

  • Jerzy Kandzora (Poznan), Hidden witnesses or left (in the book Ficowska and in the real world) after two friends of Bruno Schulz.
  • Max Bloylih (Salzburg), Bruno Schulz and Arthur Ernst Rutra: drama life and work of two writers drohobychan.
  • Bogdan Lazorak (Drohobych), "Who is he - Bruno Schulz?", Unknown in shultsoznavstvi information about the work of Bruno Schulz (based on the Hebrew press interwar Poland).
  • Les Khomich (Drohobych), Bruno Schulz and newspapers "Bolshevik Pravda", artist biographies episodes during the first Soviet occupation Drohobych.
  • Igor Chava (Drohobych), structure and activities of Zionist organizations in Drohobych (the interwar period).

15: 00-19: 00 - Literary meetings, Vera announces tusk.

Where: City Library. Chornovil str. Shevchenko, 27.

15:00 - From George Bogdan Zadura Vynnychuk talks.

16:15 - Taras Prokhasko and Daniel speaks Odiyeyu Alexander Boychenko.

18:00 - The author meeting with Sergiy desired.

20:00 - Performance "Cinnamon Shops", dir. Robert Drobnyuh, Polish-Turkish co-production. Theatre Puppets and actor Kubus (Kielce).

Where: Lviv Regional Academic Music and Drama Theatre. Yuriy Drohobych Drohobych, pl. Theatre 1.

22:00 - "This whole country is subject to heaven ...": torchlight hike traces the life and work of Bruno Schulz reading fragments of his poetic prose.

Start: Market Square.


11: 00-18: 45 - Literary meetings continued, announces Faith tusk.

Where: City Library. Chornovil str. Shevchenko, 27.

11:00 - With Ignacy Karpovich speaks Ostap Slyvynsky.

12:15 - The author meeting with Alexander Boychenko. Presentation of the book "50 percent wrong."

14:30 - Bogdan and Ostap Zadura Slyvynsky: duo poets.

16:45 - With Herkusom Kunchyusom speaks Andrey Pavlyshyn.

18:00 - max Bloylihom Basil speaks Lopushansky.

19:30 - Theatre in the lobby: "The party retro" dir. Alexander King, Lviv Regional Academic Music and Drama Theatre. Yuriy Drohobych Drohobych / reservation.

Where: Lviv Regional Academic Music and Drama Theatre. Yuriy Drohobych Drohobych, pl. Theatre 1.

21:00 - The final concert Sergei Zhadan and musical group "Dogs in Space" (Kharkiv).

Where: Scene on Market Square.

Source program: drohobych-rada.gov.ua.

The cultural world are increasingly showing interest in the work of Bruno Schulz. His works have been translated into more than 40 languages. Not so long ago in Macedonia and Croatia published his prose. According to the organizers, this will be a major cultural festival, which will bring together many artists and intellectuals.

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