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Musical group ATMASFERA invites everyone to experience the what YOGA LIFE STYLE, and join the celebration of the International Day of Yoga in 2016 - GLOBAL YOGA CHALLENGE in.

As the musicians for over 10 years Yoga is an integral part of their daily lives, and this time they were able to repeatedly verify the positive effect of these ancient practices. To participate does not necessarily have experience of hatha yoga classes or meditation pranayama - important only desire.

Location: Upper Meadow in the park. Frank, in case of rain - Art Cafe Green Street. Brothers Rohatyntsiv 5, Lviv.

Dates: every day from 1 to 21 June 2016, beginning at 8:00.

Cost: participation is free.

Participation in the YOGA CHALLENGE

The group offers ATMASFERA challenge the normal daily routine and try to imagine YOGA LIFE STYLE. Every day since the beginning of June to 21 June, at 8:00 am the group gathers on the top lawn wanting park. Franko.

  1. Batch execution of complex "Greeting to the sun" or "Surya Namaskar".
  2. Implementation GAURANGA-pranayama.
  3. Completion of training YOGA Music meditation.
  4. Co-FAMILY picture of yoga lawn.

Such a set-yoga classes will take about an hour, but there are no restrictions on time - if there are important urgent cases, it can be 15-20 minutes.

Mats at all is not enough, ask the organizers to take with you.

In case of rain there is another location for yoga - Art Cafe Green.

If a similar experience had never been - every one starts something, not stydaytesya try. Join the GLOBAL YOGA CHALLENGE is possible at any stage.

Contact: +38 (093) 450-12-58, +38 (093) 910-99-93.

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