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Izium, Iziums'kyi district

On the picturesque banks of the Seversky Donets River at the foot of Kremenets located one of the oldest cities Kharkiv region - Raisins. Charming lakes and rivers, beautiful dense forests, fresh air, monuments of architecture and culture - all in harmony in this Ukrainian city.

Photo Source: panoramio.com, author: Sapozhnikov AP

The first mention of the city that used to be called Izyumsky town, dates back to 1685 year. Even back in the 17th century on the site was located Izium fortress, which consisted of "small" cities and "great." The first settlements emerged on the high mountain Kremenets, where residents could see the enemy at a distance and in time to start hostilities. Today you can make a trip to Mount Kremenets and inspect the remains of the fortress in 1681. At the foot of the mountains you will find a place to cross the river Seversky Donets - "Izyumsky Perelaz." According to historians, here was an important battle of Kievan Rus Polovtsy in which Old Russian Prince Vladimir Monomakh utterly defeated enemy. It is believed that here during the campaign to Polovtsy in 1185, perepravlyalos army of Prince Igor Svyatoslavich.

Photo Source: panoramio.com, author: cyrilo.

Climbing up, you will see on the site are "Katyusha", tanks, artillery, and the Memorial of Glory in honor of WWII. Attract the attention of the huge size of the memorial: three concrete stelae that symbolize the explosion, seen from different points of the city. In a picturesque landscape blend sculpture Polovtsian babas, created in about the 12th century. Despite the time, these sculptures stand motionless in silence, and as if silently, watching the life of the city. They say that they are endowed with extraordinary energy. So try to feel it, visiting this place.

Photo Source: io.ua/19190137p.

When planning a review of the main attractions of raisins, you should definitely visit the Cathedral of St. Cossack Baroque style. The cathedral is on the street Staropostova 12. The grandeur and harmony of proportions combine in this house. Near the bridge over the Seversky Donets is Hrestodvyzhenska church architecture belongs to the Classical period. Elegance and hratsiynist impressive facilities. Go inside and see what attracts tourists - the image of the Archangel Gabriel. It is believed that this image belongs to the famous painter Viktor Vasnetsov.

Photo Source: flackelf.livejournal.com.

They say miracles can be found in Holy Ascension Cathedral. Here Peschansky stored miraculous icon of the Mother of God, which has power to exercise extreme desire. By the way, near the temple is Kyrychenkova well, where all visitors gain healing water, and the so-called baths, some believe you can get rid of various diseases.

Visit the glorious city Raisins! Here you will find inspiration, get an unforgettable experience and a good rest!

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1681 year
44 sq.km.
Votes: 1
5 1 5
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