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Alupka, Yaltyns'ka city council

If you want to relax on the southern coast of Crimea, go to the picturesque town of Alupka. In addition to the beach and the sea, the water park and various marine entertainment, nightclubs and theaters in this small seaside town is where to walk and what to admire. The main attractions are the Vorontsov Palace and Park. Together they form a harmonious palace and park ensemble Alupka, about which we can be sure to visit the city.


Vorontsov Palace - the estate of Mikhail Vorontsov, who was governor-general of the Novorossiysk Territory. The palace was built in the early 19th century, the English architect-designer Edward Bloor. Master designed the building in the Tudor style, which combines elements of the Romantic era, Moorish castles and very expensive. For the construction of the palace were employed local masons, modeler, carvers and carpenters among volnorabochih and peasants. However, Vorontsov Palace was built in stages from  1830 to  1848. It consists of several parts - a library, dining room, and the main economic blocks. Guest palace complex was named after the daughter of Mikhail Vorontsov - Maria Shuvalov, as there were her quarters. Every part of the building is in its style. The main entrance resembles the strict medieval castle, to the main entrance, you can get through a passage with blank walls and watchtowers, and the south facade is decorated in oriental style. In Gothic style made library, billiard room, large dining room, lobby and front. Vorontsov Palace in a winter garden with a collection of sculptures and "Lion Terrace" presented by three pairs of marble figures of lions. Now Vorontsov Palace is a museum you can visit.


Vorontsov or Alupka Park is located around the palace. This lanshaftno-yard piece of art. In order to create a specially invited German botanist Carl Keba. He masterfully designed the park together, given Aubin Crimean climate and terrain. Alupka Park extends to the forty acres from the sea in the form of an amphitheater. Among the 200 species of plants you encounter olives, cypresses, laurels, palms, large-fruited and small-fruited strawberry, evergreen viburnum and the Chilean Araucaria, and, of course, the Crimean pine trees. There is a pile of stone, called the Big and Small chaos. In addition, each lake has its own name - Mirror, Swan, Trout and Moonstone. Here you will see a fountain of "Trilby", "Fountain of Tears", "sink" and "Cat's Eye". You will pass the chestnut, contrast, Plane, sunny fields. Several cleanest lakes that were formed by the waterfalls, emphasize the magnificence Vorontsov park.


In Alupka has several beaches. The most popular among them is "Vorontsovskie bath", which is located opposite the park. It is small, squared surf pebbles and clear waters. For the youngest visitors to the right of the Vorontsov park is "Children's Beach", so-called "splash", which is quite small and flat bottom. Not far from the bus station also has two beaches "Riviera" and "black hill", the coastal zone which is strewn with large stones.


For ease of movement on a small seaside town, you can use a ring bus number 10.

Alupka can get to the Yalta bus station by taxi № 26, № 27, № 32, № 36 and № 42. You can also take the buses that go from Simferopol and Sevastopol to Alupka bus.

Other inhabited localities, Yaltyns'ka city council
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10 century
4 sq.km.
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