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Melitopol', Melitopol's'kyi district

Melitopol in the Zaporizhzhya region located in the valley of the River Dairy, which originates Dairy estuary of Azov. In addition, through Melitopol pass railroad tracks leading to the Crimea, and the Sea of ​​Azov from Melitopol only an hour drive away. However, even in the city you can discover interesting structures, natural plantings and education, which will not leave you indifferent.


Walking the Melitopol, visit a religious building as the Alexander Nevsky Cathedral, located in the eponymous street. The temple was constructed 16 years from 1815 to 1831. First, the Alexander Nevsky Cathedral was completely wooden, then - a stone. Now the walls and dome painted in blue. It has one main dome and bell tower, which resembles the sound of his Orthodox citizens of the hours of service.


Beautiful monastery of the Holy Sanctified GaAs you see on the street thieves. This majestic snowy shrine is the abode of men. Monastery of the Holy Sanctified GaAs relates to new religious buildings. It was constructed from 1995 to 2005. Vicar of the monastery was consecrated three chapels: the main entrance - in honor of Our Lady, the North - in the Beheading of St. John the Baptist and southern - in honor of St. GaAs Sanctified.


On Karl Marx Street, 18 you will find a beautiful old building Melitopol museum. The most valuable of its 45,000 exhibits are examples of Scythian gold 4th century BC. There is a display of life Scythian, Sarmatian, Cimmerian tribes. During archaeological investigations found the remains of the ancient nomadic groups Pechenegs, Kipchaks, Khazars. In the urban history museum arranged conferences, exhibitions, scientific research, such as the existence of the tribe for Mennonite Breast river.


If you want a good time, head to the Melitopol Gorky Park. In 1927, its construction began, and by 1936 the park of garden culture consists of 31 hectares of land. But 10 attractions entertainment complex in the park named after Maxim Gorky are dandelion fountain and wooden figurines. These lovely sculptures are characters of fairy tales, which are all familiar from childhood. Park of garden culture Melitopol in the top ten best parks in Ukraine.


At 10 kilometers from the village of Patience is a unique monument of nature, known as the stone tomb. Archaeological excavations have shown that the stone is not a man-made mound tomb. About 14.12 million years BC in these spaces was the Sarmatian Sea and stone tomb is sandbar. With the passage of time within the void stone graves, and many passages. An experienced guide will show you all the caves and stone graves will climb the 12-meter high sandstone, with a beautiful view of the steppe. Until Melitopol stone tombs can be reached with the city's bus station.


From Dnepropetrovsk and Zaporozhye regularly trains in Melitopol. You can also get into the city by bus from any of the regional center. Routes heading to the Azov and the Crimean coast, usually also pass through Melitopol. The best time of year to travel to this region will be summer. Having been in the city, you can go for a vacation to the sea.

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Основний маршрут: Запоріжжя – Василівка  – НПП «Великий Луг» –  Мелітополь – Запоріжжя
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