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Hola Prystan':
Black Sea Biosphere Reserve
м. Гола Пристань 75600, Миколаївська обл., Україна
Black Sea landscape conservation area - one of the most popular places of green tourism in Ukraine. It is the largest reserve of the country. It was founded in 1927 in order to study and protection of the nature of the Black Sea coast.
The huge reserve is divided into several parts. At the reserve ...
Soliane Lake
м. Гола Пристань 75600, Голопристанський р-н, Херсонська обл., Україна
This healing pond attracts tourists with its silt mud and salt brine. Its healing properties have been known for a long time. According to legend, after the battles are healed their wounds Cossacks. Even the locals love to talk about the adventurous Armenian who was the first to popularize the ...
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