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Krasylivs'kyi district:
Manor Sangushko-Potocki, Antonina
вул. Леніна 21, смт Антоніни, Красилівський р-н, Хмельницька обл., Україна
Sangushko Manor Potocki, located in the village of Antonia in Khmelnytsky region. This is a known ancient monument, which attracts tourists. The village itself has an interesting history and an old building. The history of the estate Potocki-Sangushko Cultural and economic center of the village ...
Sapieha Palace, Krasyliv
вул. Центральна 38, м. Красилів 31000, Красилівський район, Хмельницька область, Україна
Once upon a glorious and ancient Polish family Sapieha, osivshy on the tail, chose as residence Krasilov, a town 40 km north of modern Khmelnitsky, where they built a family estate. History Sapieha Palace Krasilov and surroundings withdrew the ownership Ignacy Sapieha in 1753. By the time he was ...
Car garage, Antonina
вул. Леніна 6, пгт Антоніни 31022, Красилівський район, Хмельницька область, Україна
Antoninsky Park, Antonina
смт Антоніни 31023, Красилівський р-н, Хмельницької обл, Україна
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