Archeological Museum, Rzhyschiv
вул. Петренка 4, м. Ржищів 09230, Київська обл., Україна
Interesting archaeological museum located near Kiev in the city center Rzhyshchiv. Already the museum building itself is unique: it is a brick building late 19th and early 20th centuries.
The museum contains archaeological materials found during excavations in the city. The museum is divided into ...
Museum of Art . Zadorozhnogo
вул. Леніна 48, м. Ржищів 09230, Київська обл., Україна
Museum of Decorative Arts. Zadorozhnogo located in Rzhyshchiv in the central administrative state institution. Considered historical and architectural and cultural heritage of the city.
The museum presents the creations of the great artist I. Zadorozhnogo from Rzhyshchiv repeatedly exhibitions ...
The Rzhyshchiv Archaeology and Local Lore Museum
вул. Петренко 4, м. Ржищів 09230, Кагарлицький р-н, Київська обл., Україна
The Museum of Imitative Arts named after Zadorozhniy
вул. Леніна 48, м. Ржищів 09230, Київська обл., Україна
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