Church of St. Nicholas, Busk
вул. Шкільна 7, м. Буськ 80505, Львівська обл., Україна
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Church of St. Nicholas in Bousquet, which appeared shortly before the revolution, at their own expense to build the city took the Orthodox community. For a long time this was the only church in the city. With the outbreak of the Second World War it lost its original form. Architectural ...
Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Church, Kuty
с. Кути 80534, Буський р-н, Львівська обл., Україна
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Church of the Nativity of the Virgin in Kutakh was built on the site of the old village cemetery in the 18th century. In 1750, were held completion of talented artists on the tree, whose hands built the high temple with domes and gallery separately Attached altar and the crypt chapel, located ...
Church St.Onufriy, Busk
вул. Хмельницького 117, Буськ 80505, Львівська обл., Україна
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On the outskirts of the small historic town Busk surrounded by high trees hiding wooden church. Casual traveler will notice odnoverhuyu church from the road. The benchmark indicating to her the way, is a wonderful chapel carved into the trunk millennial withered oak. This giant, reaching six feet ...
Church of St. Paraskeva (Busk)
вул. Шашкевича 56, м. Буськ, Львівська область, Україна
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