Memorial Museum of Ivan Pul`uj
вул. Пилипа Орлика 20, смт Гримайлів 48210, Гусятинський р-н, Тернопільська обл., Україна
The village Hrymailiv Ternopil region is a memorial museum of Ivan the bullet, which was opened in 1990. Gathered within its walls exhibits sanctify life and scientific work of the famous physicist, translator and historian. In 1997, the memorial museum of I. Pulyui received national status. To ...
Synagogue, Hrymailiv
вул. Б. Хмельницького, смт Гримайлів 48210, Гусятинський р-н, Тернопільська обл., Україна
The town Hrymailiv that in the region, has a rich and interesting history. It was born discoverer of X-rays Puliui John, as you can see the remains of the castle of the 19th century Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the ruins of the synagogue. History of the Jewish sanctuary Synagogue in ...
Grimaylovsky landscaped park
смт Гримайлів 48210, Тернопільска обл., Україна
Ternopil region is rich in natural attractions. These concerns Grimaylovsky landscaped park. Gardening Zone located in the heart of the village Hrymailiv . An area of 13 hectares encircles the river. Park was founded in the late 18th and early 19th century, and the reason for this was the ...
Church of the Intercession, Hrymailiv
вул. Б. Хмельницького 1, смт Гримайлів 48210, Гусятинський р-н, Тернопільська обл., Україна
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