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Casemates tower Kamenetz-Podolsk

Casemates tower Kamenetz-Podolsk

One of the most mysterious places Kamenetz-Podolsk was Kazematna Tower. Ethnographers and historians do not come to a consensus on the appointment of the building. For the most fantastic version, which is owned by Helen Plamenytskiy, kazematnu tower built Stanislaw Zawadzki - student talented architect and city commandant Jan de Witte.

History kazematnoyi Tower

According Kamenets fortification program, which was King Stanislaw August Poniatowski in 1782, here Armenian foundations of several buildings destroyed by the Turkish times, in the years 1783-1791 was built the brig. Near the tower erected Zavadsky - toilet for prisoners with six loopholes.

During the repair of the tower, which was held in 2007, with its basement was removed remnants of a truck after living there prisoners.

There is speculation that Ukraine is the only sanitary sporuda18 century. Today the tower kazematniy occasionally hold art events and exhibitions. Also located here:

  • exhibition "History fortifications 15-19 centuries" with three layouts fortifications;
  • samples of weapons and firearms;
  • copies of old plans, engravings, lithographs, drawings, charts and more.

In the annexe is a collection of smoking pipes Podolsk ages 17-18.

Architecture tower

Round Tower in terms of diameter reaches 9.5 m, with a rectangular vestibule on the north side. In the center rises up column diameter of 2.5 m. The walls of the upper tier at a height of two meters cut six windows-loopholes. Its upper part is used as a chimney. Now it`s closed lid, which is similar to the lid with a weathervane.

Getting there

Kazematna Tower in Kamenetz-Podolsk is located on the square of the Armenian market. The medieval building houses under the high roof in the yard of the hospital.

To get to this place, you can stop on a route №1 cafe "Dream Cossack", near the church. If you move inland from the neighboring areas of the Armenian market, you can see the lane, which is gradually becoming the longest street Armenian quarters of Kamenetz - Street Hospital. Pass through the arch to the courtyard of the hospital eponymous street.


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