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Architectural monuments Kam'ianets'-podil's'kyi district
Total places: 23
Town Hall, Kamenetz-Podolsk
пл. Польський Ринок 1, м. Кам'янець-Подільський 32301, Хмельницька обл., Україна
Kamenetz-Podolsk City Hall was built on the central square of the Old Town in the 14th century and is considered one of the oldest in Ukraine. Two centuries later, the town hall was attached to a rectangular tower and found two bells adorned the mechanical clock, which work so far. In the cellars ...
Reznitskaya (Kushnirs`ka) tower Kamenetz-Podolsk
м. Кам'янець-Подільський, Хмельницька обл., Україна
Once the defensive tower Kamenetz-Podolsk, namely Reznitskaya tower protected the city from the east. Now this historical architectural monument, which has a history and is decorated with Kamenetz-Podolsk. Kushnirs`ka Tower (it was her second name) has a number of unique features, unlike other ...
Subychskyy rock monastery
с. Субіч, Кам'янець-Подільський р-н, Хмельницька обл., Україна
Rock Monastery is located near the town of Kamenetz-Podolsk in the village Subich . Its existence can be traced to the 16th century, though historians argue that the appearance of the monastery can be attributed to the 10-13 centuries. This famous monastery consists of a few dozen cells, cut into ...
Castle (Turkish) bridge
вул. Замкова, м. Кам'янець-Подільський 32300, Хмельницька обл., Україна
Legendary structure, the first mention of which dates from the year 1494 - a Castle Bridge that leads to Kamenetz-Podolsk fortress . It was built to connect the old city with fortifications, but the distinguishing feature is that the bridge does not connect the two banks of the river, and was set ...
Arc de Triomphe, Kamenetz-Podolsk
вул. Татарська 20, м.Кам'янець-Подільський, Хмельницька обл., Україна
Arch of Stanislaw August - pride and a significant historical landmark of the town Kamenetz-Podolsk Khmelnitsky region. This arch is often referred to as the Royal arkoy.Est Legend has it that she performs secret desires. If a man will go through it and at the same time potrёt marble cross with his ...
Armenian warehouses, Kamenetz-Podolsk
вул. Вірменська 1, Кам'янець-Подільський 32000, Україна
Franciscan Monastery, Kamenetz-Podolsk
вул. Францисканська 4-6, Кам'янець-Подільський 32000, Україна
N gate Kamenetz-Podolsk
вул. Руська 93, м. Кам'янець-Подільський 32300, Хмельницька обл., Україна
Russian gates are located on the banks of the River Smotrych in Kamenetz-Podolsk. The construction of this powerful fortification hydraulic structure was begun in the 15th century. Together with the Polish Gate , they form a unique system for the inundation of the river canyon in the case of an ...
Tower of Stefan Batory (Furrier)
Старопоштовий узвіз, м. Кам'янець-Подільський 32300, Хмельницька обл., Україна
One of the most important historical and architectural monuments of Ukraine is the Tower of the Stefan Batory Foundation. This unique structure, consisting of five tiers, was of great importance for the defense of the city in the middle of the 16th century. Its founder is considered to be the King ...
Russian magistrate, Kamenetz-Podolsk
вул. П'ятницька 9, м. Кам'янець-Подільський, Хмельницька обл., Україна
Russian magistrate is located in the Old City of Kamenetz-Podolsk, and a two-storey stone building. In 1658, the Polish king Jan Kazimierz approved law on the creation of the Ukrainian community in this house Russian magistrate, who was in the building for 12 years. Further, the magistrate was ...
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