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Ivanovo church Raskopantsy

Ivanovo church Raskopantsy

In the village Rozkopantsi that Kyyiivschyni preserved monument of national importance - the wooden church of St. John the Divine, which is also the most beautiful churches of the area. Recent studies claim that the age of the church dates back three centuries.

Ivanovo Church History

According to new data architect Ivan Bykov construction of buildings accounts for 1726 in Bohuslav, which was later moved to Rozkopantsiv in 1884. Transferring due to the fact that the previous location of the church often zatoplyuvalos waters Ros. The new temple site was dedicated in honor of St. John the Divine, where the church and took the title.

During collectivization Ivanovo church closed, but during the war it was opened for service to parishioners. In 50-60 years of the 20th century church building used as a house of culture, and later became a warehouse for grain. In 1990 the church resumed service. The building has been completely restored.

Today it is a relic - myrotochyvu state icon of the Mother of God. In 2002, the rector of the church for Basil Sobko, which conducts regular services.

Architecture Church

Triglav church built on stone foundations, although made of wood, p`yatyzrubna, has a bell tower. Covered domes that ends the chapter. The bell tower ends with a head tent. Log almost connected with a central circular cut arches. The interior is decorated with paintings of the 19th century.

Typical architectural decision in his temple striking building elements and beautiful harmony of the composition. Due to this structure is considered a monument of a number of interesting examples of Ukrainian wooden architecture of the 19th century.

Getting there

Church of St. John in Rozkopantsyah is located almost in the center of the village. Nearby is the main street May Day, which stretches from the town of Bohuslav. Moving from the city on this street, turn right and go straight down the street. Church is clearly visible from the road.


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Багатолика Рось. Колиска східнослов’янської цивілізації.
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