The Tarkhankut Peninsula

Just imagine a limestone rocky shore and a sun track till the very horizon, that pierces a sea blue by its twinkle trace, as if invites you to have a walk along its dominions. The sun is setting down. You are lying on a burnished by sea waves plate enjoying last sunbeams of the parting day. No bustle, grumbling tourists or cries…only you and whisper of a beloved person. It is all about Tarkhankut.
Actually, there are many places to enjoy oneself in a jolly crowd as well as to stay in seclusion on the south peninsula – the Crimea. It is an eco-friendly corner with limestone-cliffy and sandy shore, scents of steppe grass and pure water. The road to the peninsula of Tarkhankut is located along agricultural lands, vineyards and gardens; quite often you may see a flock of grazing sheep.
Four main resorts are glad to welcome their guests from the middle of May up to the end of September. These are Olenivka, Chornomors’k, Mariino and Okunivka villages. They offer comfortable hotels and private apartments, various restaurants and cafes, discos and shops. But the main gem the tourists are coming for is the nature of the sea shore which created not only favorable conditions to have a rest, but also ideal ones to dive.
Thus, not far from Olenivka there is a favourite place of tourists – the Velykyi Atlesh and Malyi Atlesh Capes that are long limestone arches with caves, tunnels and grottos, creating perfect atmosphere for an underwater walk in deep pure waters. Led by skilled divers you can dive into the marvelous underwater world of Tarkhankut coast. You can see an underwater museum known as “Aleya Vozhdiv” (meaning Alley of leaders), located on the Tarkhankut Cape by an ancient lighthouse of 41 meters high. You’ll see underwater sculptures of proletarian leaders. You’ll be impressed with tunnels and grottos, as well as their transparent water and clear bottom. Tarkhankut was a place to film lots of episodes of such movies: the Pirates of the 20th Century, Amphibian Man, People and Dolphins and the others.
You are well advised to visit the Love Cup. It is a small natural foundation pit of limestone rock, which is joined with the sea by an underground cave. The Cup is quite deep to jump there from a rock or just swim and dive. It is a specific natural Jacuzzi. According to a legend, this place took the name due to a love story that happened many years ago, when a young man fell in love with a beautiful girl who swam in this cup. Each one to swim in it is to strengthen his love. It is very easy to get to this place, using one of routes offered by local companies or using your own transport. It is about 8 km from the nearest Olenivka village.
Ancient Greek settlement – Kalos-Limen, the place to keep Scythian burials, not far from Chornomors’k village, shouldn’t be missed by you. In Tarkhankut there are also estuaries with healing mud and warm water. Sandy beaches are a great place to have a rest with children. You won’t miss sea attractions, boat rows, inflatable chutes, and many other things.
Your holidays in Tarkhankut will be marked in your memory with an inimitable diving, pure water, excellent evenings on the rocks and a good mood.