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Guards Mine, Krivoy Rog

Guards Mine, Krivoy Rog

Iron ore mine "Guards" is in Kryvyi Rih . Today it belongs to JSC "Krivoy Rog iron ore."

Today it belongs to JSC "Krivoy Rog iron ore."

The history of mine "Guards"

First FSPEF of iron ore was raised in December 1964. Ore is lifted from the horizon of 552 meters. Already in 1965 the mine "Guards" has earned at full capacity. While it belonged Ore behalf of Rosa Luxemburg, and in the period from 1988 to 1989 was part of the Lenin Mine.

Spring 2006 began to explore a new horizon of 1270-1350 meters. For 50-year history of the mine had produced about 100 million tons of ore.

Near the mine is called the failed zone Krivoy Rog. They were formed due to the fact that during the underground works ore layers are removed and in their place are void. Land of major settling, forming a huge hole.

How to get to the mine

Mine "Guards" in Krivoy Rog is on the street Lashtoby 2. You will approach taxis number 3, 230, 330, 231.

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Вражаючий Кривий Ріг
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