Kryvorizhstal History Museum (Museum JSC ArcelorMittal), Krivoy Rog

PJSC "ArcelorMittal" (former "Kryvorizhstal") in Krivoy Rog is one of the largest companies that produce steel. Of course, in such a large plant has a story gladly tell you in the halls of history museum of "Krivorozhstal".
History museum
In 1984, for the first time before the visitors opened the doors of the museum history of "Krivorozhstal". It should be noted that the area of the museum is 770 square meters. The museum has about 5,000 exhibits.
The halls of the museum "ArcelorMittal"
- The first room we learn the history of the company "Krivorozhstal". Construction of the plant began in 1931 at the Kryvbas, which for convenience are called Kryvbas. August 4, 1934 began to work the first blast furnace. When World War II came to Krivoy Rog, all the equipment of the plant was evacuated to Nizhny Tagil in the Urals. During the Nazi occupation of the troops of "Krivorozhstal" was destroyed. Already at the end of the war the company reconstructed and expanded.
- The second hall is dedicated to the achievement of our time. The most interesting here is the exposition booth dedicated explorers Nicholas Maccabeus. You can see his special costumes and photos from the expeditions. Mr. Macovei personally handed their belongings specially in the Museum of History "Krivorozhstal".
- Next - the third room, called the production. In the middle room located layout of "Krivorozhstal". Because it can assess whether this huge industrial complex.
How to get to the museum
Museum of the "ArcelorMittal" in Krivoy Rog is on the street Domnobudivelnykiv, 10. Public transportation - "Domnobudivelnykiv area."
Tours and excursions

Тур до Кривого Рогу дуже цікавий і незвичний. Вам пропонується побачити тільки найкращі та найвідоміші місця цього вражаючого міста. Під час екскурсії в Кривий Ріг ви зможете побачити:
як працюють у справжніх цехах металургійного виробництва;
залізорудний кар'єр;
справжні криворізькі мінерали у Гвардійській шахті;
швидкісний трамвай у Кривому Розі, який називають метротрамом;
Криворізький музей краєзнавства з його 3D-відеогалереєю.
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