Monument to the first engineer, Kharkov
In honor of the 130th anniversary of NTU institutions established in the territory only in Ukraine Statue first engineer in Kharkiv . It is believed that the first monument dedicated to the university rector Viktor Kirpichev. On the main avenue of Kharkov Polytechnic Institute was opened, timed to celebrate the anniversary of the institution.
On the monument to the first engineer
On Wednesday, 18 November 2015, on the territory of the first technical university of the country - the Kharkiv Polytechnic University - the opening of the monument to the first engineer. Gala evening, held at the Palace politehivskomu students gathered hundreds of guests - teaching staff, students, graduates and even foreign partners.
Granite pedestal reaches a height of six meters, and the width and length of 4 by 4 meters. The monument is located at the beginning of the main avenues of the Institute. Made of copper, bronze and granite.
The composition was created through the initiative and financial support of students and graduates of Polytechnic University. The author of the architectural work - Kharkiv artist and sculptor Seyfaddin Gurbanov, famous Nevsky pedestal and Beketov. The basis of the composition of the monument is a water jet, which are the figures of the first graduate of the Institute and his teacher, immediately followed by arch is the first building of institutions, are seen a little further three-dimensional image engine and a rocket.
According to the authors` ideological monument dedicated to all engineers centuries past, present and future generations. The pedestal represents the basis of technical industries, which trains specialists Kharkiv Institute.
Getting there
The monument is located in the HPI, which is located on Bahalii. The next stop on Pushkin Street, where the route taxi № 89. Within a few blocks is the metro - station "Pushkinskaya".