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The Shpola Local History Museum

The Shpola Local History Museum

Shpolyansky museum - an institution which helps you to visually illustrate the history and life of the area and its inhabitants. He was lucky to some extent from state funding - through this museum has tripled, was a major overhaul and now updated room welcomes visitors.

Museum Collection Shpolyanskaya

Your attention museum staff prepared several exhibitions. In the hall "Antiquities" you can see the ornaments and pendants Kievan Rus, ancient Slavonic lunnyk, brooches and other artifacts found on the territory Shpolyanskaya area.

Museum exhibitions will familiarize you with the history of Shpola, Cossack era, prominent personalities of the area. Certain halls are during the Second World War and the war in Afghanistan.

The highlight for visitors will be the exhibition "Banknotes of the world", which collected more than 600 exhibits.

History History Museum in Shpola

The museum was founded in the early 1970s. The most difficult period of the museum employees called during the nineties, when the museum building was sold several times questionable bet-pereprodavalosya and was on the brink of existence. Then miraculously disappeared museum`s collection, which numbered at that time over 5,000 exhibits.

Having solved the most problems with the local government, the museum reopened in 2011, but only managed to reverse tenth of the museum collection. However, the museum`s hope in the near future to upgrade the museum content and delight visitors with new and interesting activities.

Getting to the museum in Shpola

The museum is located at. Shpola st. Proletarian, 62 in the center of town.

Hours: The museum is open daily from 10:00 to 17:00. As for work on weekends specify in the administration of the institution: +38 (047) 415-23-44.


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