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The Kaharlyk Local Lore Museum

The Kaharlyk Local Lore Museum

Interesting and special places all around us. For example, the District Local History Museum of Kagarlyk. Little house in the center keeps a collection of objects and historical materials that tell about the life and culture of the residents Kagarlyk. There are indications that the house plays the role of the museum, more than two hundred years. Initially the building was a hotel for the ladies of Catherine II, later it housed the post office.

Museum was established in 1974 thanks to caring people and only on a voluntary basis. The museum is constantly updated. Today, there are 33 thousand interesting exhibits, but due to lack of space in the room, presented a half thousand. They are placed in five halls. The first hall introduces the beauty of nature through the edge of paintings by local artists. The second room is available ethnographic collection, the exhibits which were found during archaeological excavations. The third room is devoted to the first half of the 20th century, the tragic and triumphant events of the time. Immediately available collection of toys. Events of World War II covers the fourth room. The fifth room visitors can see exhibits that tell the history of the postwar period: the Afghan war, the tragedy of Chernobyl, Ukraine`s independence.

The museum everyone can find for himself something interesting. But it is not only a special place in Kagarlyk. Serenity, beauty and peace will bring tourists Trinity Church . The city has a beautiful park Troschinsky with hundreds of species of trees brought from different countries.

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