The Transcarpathian Regional Russian Drama Theatre
Transcarpathian Regional Russian Drama Theatre - is a popular theater in Uzhgorod, whose work reflects modern society`s problems in unusual and striking installations. Its famous theater was due to the rapid response of artistic expression in the mood as small groups and the whole nation. All the pieces clearly reflect the living problems of others, for which he liked the viewer. Touring drama theater often begin with the Russian-speaking countries abroad (Russia, Belarus) and end Poland Hungary, the Czech Republic and so on.
The legendary history of the theater began in Ackerman (Southern Bessarabia) in 1902. Already formed and experienced team was transferred to Mukachevo in 1947, followed were years of reunification with the Ukrainian theater of Uzhgorod, but in the `70s the newly decided to create their own, headed by the director A. King.
The most significant artistic productions of the troupe began: "The Cherry Orchard" by Chekhov, "The Glass Menagerie" Williams, "The House of Bernarda Alba" Lorca, well worth a visit "Mother" Gorky or "Masquerade" Lermontov. Nearby you can visit Puppet Theatre "additive" .