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Uzhgorod Philharmonic

Uzhgorod Philharmonic

One of the most famous buildings of Uzhgorod - the building of the Philharmonic. Uzhgorod Philharmonic is both a historical and architectural monument.

The building was built in 1904. Earlier this place, on the bank of the river Oh, occupied Jewish Synagogue Orthodox community. It was built with the money of Jewish philanthropists. The building is in the Moorish style. It was a very fashionable style for Europe of those years. The project architects and Gyula Papp Ferenc Szabolcs.

During the construction of the synagogue used pink marble, ceramics, decorative brick. The building`s facade was decorated with pictures on religious themes. On the rooftop of clay shaped tower with brass ornaments.

After World War II the synagogue was transferred to the Ministry of Culture of the USSR. In 1947 the building was retrained in the Philharmonic. Reconstruction of the building, though was quite successful, deprived Philharmonic Moorish glamor and luxury. Absolutely all objects of a religious nature were eliminated. Tablets of the Law from the roof of the synagogue replaced the lyre - a symbol of musical art.

Today Philharmonic is a great decoration of the city. Regularly hosts various concerts and festivals. There is a high professionalism of the Philharmonic. Spectators in awe of how musicians are given game. Visiting Uzhgorod Philharmonic will give you many warm and pleasant memories.

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Маршрут «Ужгород – Лумшоры – Карпаты – Берегово – Чинадиево – Мукачево» рассчитан специально для тех, кто хочет снять усталость и с души, и с тела. Тут вереница замков тесно переплетается с живописными городскими прогулками-эксурсиями и оздоровительными купаниями в заповедных местах. Ужгородская крепость, замок графа Шенборна в Карпатах, романтический Сент-Миколош в Чинадиево и могучий мукачевский Паланок хранят историю своего многонационального и дружного края лучше, чем любой учебник. А термальные источники в Лумшорах и Берегово смывают любые тревоги. Взамен они с радостью наполнят вас здоровьем, а также искренней закарпатской щедростью.
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