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The Museum-Diorama of Kharkiv Soldiers-Internationalists

The Museum-Diorama of Kharkiv Soldiers-Internationalists

Museum for lovers of exciting historical events and unusual submission. Museum diorama got his name from the marvelous presented it paintings, with ribbon-like, curved shape. Scenic picture with the front objective plans to create illusion of the viewer. This effect is achieved by the synthesis of art and technology.

The museum`s collection of soldiers-internationalists

The museum-diorama given the opportunity not only to look at the exhibits, and even see small scenes from the life in Afghanistan. Thus, fully immersed in the times of the soldiers-internationalists, visitors learn the true story of their heroic deeds.

The museum is open Tuesday through Thursday from 11:00 to 13:00. From Friday to Monday - the weekend. Also in Kharkov e are a large number of interesting museums that are worth a visit.


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