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Univ Holy Dormition Lavra

Univ Holy Dormition Lavra

On the outskirts of a small village in the Carpathian Univ is one of the oldest monasteries in Ukraine. His full name - Holy Assumption Univ Lavra Studite.

The exact date of foundation of the monastery is unknown, but found a mention of its existence in the 14th century. In 1549 the monastery was burned by the Tatars. They often raided the lands of Galicia, under the authority of the former Polish rulers. But the nobleman Alexander Lagodovsky restored the temple in the 16th century after his miraculous healing. According to legend, nobleman, whose feet hurt, in the dream was the Mother of God and ordered to seek healing spring in the forest. When Lagodovsky washed the feet and recovered, he built a church over the source of defense fortified. It is believed that, during his search he found in the woods, on the ruins of the monastery, and beautiful image, which went from light. The miraculous icon of the Blessed Virgin Protectress and now kept in the monastery Unevskom.

In 1648 the monastery was again burned Tatars who came to Galicia, together with the forces of Bohdan Khmelnytsky. Unevskogo Renaissance monastery associated with the genus Sheptytsky, due to which in the early 18th century shrine was restored. However, during the rule of the Austrian Empire, the monastery was closed, and to save it from looting Metropolitan Michael Levitsky rebuilt it in his residence, the palace, where the rules of the diocese for 40 years. Here he is buried.

Monastic life in the church revived again thanks to Andrew Sheptytsky. He conferred the status of the monastery church. Under Soviet rule the monastery was closed again, the abbot father Clement arrested. Now all again fell into place: the abode given to believers.

On Chernecha mountain is an old monastery cemetery, and earlier, according to archaeological findings, it was Russian settlement.

Prior to the Univ of Lviv buses from the street Lychakivska.

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Провести несколько дней в одном из самых романтичных городов Европы – отличное решение. Лучший вариант – воспользоваться туром «Львовские этюды». За 4 дня перед вами предстанут лучшие культурные и природные жемчужины города Льва. В первый день вы ознакомитесь с архитектурой Старого города. Самое необычное место – старинная аптека «Под черным орлом». В подземелье аптеки сохранились следы пребывания таинственных алхимиков. За следующие дни перед вами откроют свои тайны роскошные замки и дворцы. Вы сможете ощутить на себе дух средневековья. Данный тур создаст у вас таинственную и прекрасную картину Львова. Так что вам захочется вернуться сюда еще не раз.
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