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Genoese Fortress

Genoese Fortress

The glorious Crimean city of Sudak is famous thanks to its stronghold – Genoese Fortress, which, like a magnet, attracts tourists from all over the world. It is one of the most popular and prominent attractions of the Crimean peninsula, a monument of world importance.


Genoese fortress in Sudak is one of the largest better preserved strongholds belonged to brave colonists and traders. Until now, science cannot give the unambiguous answer to the question when the first stones of this majestic human creation were laid. History of the stronghold began after the Genoeses have settled down in Caffa, presently known as Feodosiya. The fortress was built as a stronghold of Soldayya colony between 1371 and 1469.


The fortress is situated on an ancient coral reef – a conical mountain, which is called Kyz-Kulle-Burun. In Tatar it means “Cape of the Maiden Tower”. The fortress is a great example of classical European bastions of the Late Middle Ages. Stand in front of towers of the stronghold near the gate and you will see that its walls are so strong and impregnable. It’s difficult to access the fortress from the west; its south and east sides are protected by sheer slopes of the mountain descending to the sea, so it was only possible to get to the fortress in the northeast crossing the bridge over the deep ditch at the heavy wrought iron gate.


There are two tiers of the fortress’ defence – upper and lover. The upper tier of the defence system includes Consular castle connected by walls in a complex with four neighbouring towers, one of which is called Dozorna or Divocha. This dilapidated two-story tower is located on the highest point of the castle rock, and is mentioned in a number of really beautiful legends and stories, which can be told by locals or guides. You can climb centuries-old steps to reach the top of Dozorna Tower, where you'll be delighted with a fantastic view. You might feel yourself as a medieval watcher serving on the impregnable walls of the fort.


The lower tier is protected by the wall of 6-8 meters high and 2 metres thick. Fourteen battle towers each of 15 metres high have been built along this wall. The main gate fortifies the wall. It is worth to mention, that each tower was built in different years and at the end of the construction was called after the name of the consul, who built it. As a proof you can see plates with heraldic symbols and inscriptions in Medieval Latin.


If you are fond of architecture and history and want to feel the atmosphere of the Late Middle Ages firmly consigned to the past, you are well advised to visit Genoese Fortress in Sudak! 

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