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Mehanom Cape

Mehanom Cape

Cape Megan has the glory of the mystical areas. He lived and not inhabited. The ancient Greeks believed that there flows the river Styx - it is for her old Charon moves the souls of the dead into the realm of the dead Hades.

Megan has a desert terrain. The rocky part takes about 20 square meters - and here is a retractable far out to sea cape.

In Soviet times, this place is part of the military. According to local residents, in 1960, the area was carried out underwater nuclear bomb tests and is believed to ufology, disturbed a higher power. Over the Cape allegedly was hit by an alien flying saucer from which the fragment was seized services KGB.

Cape Megan famous and mysterious "ring", the ring-shaped yellowish stripes on the grass, which can be seen from above. With strange intervals they suddenly fade. If the zone rings are the people, they start to feel unbearably bad.

The vegetation is rich in rare prairie grasses and shrubs. Sea water is considered the most clean and clear. The most diverse fauna.

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