All about
Crimea autonomous republic:
Mountains and hills Crimea autonomous republic
Total places: 47
capital of the autonomous republic
- Simferopol'
city council
- Bakhchysarais'kyi
- Bilohirs'kyi
- Chornomors'kyi
- Dzhankois'kyi
- Kirovs'kyi
- Krasnohvardiis'kyi
- Krasnoperekops'kyi
- Lenins'kyi
- Nyzhn'ohirs'kyi
- Pervomais'kyi
- Rozdol'nens'kyi
- Saks'kyi
- Simferopol's'kyi
- Soviets'kyi
с. Лучисте 98530, Лучистівська сільська рада, Алуштинська міськрада, АР Крим
Demerdzhi is a massif, located in 10 kilometres from Alushta near Luchyste village. The massif’s historical name is Demirdzhi-yaila, which means “a smith”. People say, strong winds affect falling of rock pieces down, making a noise, which really resembles powerful hammer blows of a smith at his ...
Mount Mithridat
м. Керч, Ленінський р-н, Крим
Mithridat Mountain is located on the Crimean peninsula in the city of Kerch. This huge mound reminds us of ancient burial places and is well visited by city guests. Local people believe, those have come to Kerch for the first time or after a long trip, should climb Mithridat ...
Ckelya Iphigenia
смт Берегове, Бахчисарайський р-н, Крим
Traveling to the Crimea, be sure to check out the village of Riverside. There are ancient reminder of nature - rock Iphigenia. Its scale is impressive, and she personifies the greatness and power of the village. The locals are proud of this landmark and consider it as its symbol.
The Greek myth ...
Mehanom Cape
ш. Східне, м. Судак 298000, Крим
Cape Megan has the glory of the mystical areas. He lived and not inhabited. The ancient Greeks believed that there flows the river Styx - it is for her old Charon moves the souls of the dead into the realm of the dead Hades. Megan has a desert terrain. The rocky part takes about 20 square meters ...
Angarsk pass
с. Перевальне, Сімферопольський р-н, Крим
м. Алушта, Сімферопольський р-н, Крим
Mountain Frog (Buck-Tash)
с. Дачне, Судацька міськрада, Крим
Mount Roman-Kosh
смт Краснокам'янка, Ялтинський р-н, Крим
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