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Tea Taistra Potion, Rivne

Tea Taistra Potion, Rivne

In the space "Taistra Potion" combines two passions: Faine tea and interesting journey. Also reflected in the title, because Taistra - a Hutsul bag which is convenient to travel, it represents the travel company and Potion - a symbol tea.

Have an opportunity to enjoy high-quality fragrant chayochkom from all over the world as sincere.

Favorite tea can be purchased by weight. Tea with whom we work qualifying. All our range is quality control in Germany.

Fragrant coffee. Our highlight is the oriental coffee, which we cook in CEZVE on the hot sand.

Fine goodies. Cheesecake with yafynamy, truskavkamy and cherries strudel, oriental sweets, fragrant Lequarré kiflyky and cinnamon. Interesting? How delicious!

For the ladies, and perhaps cavalier, watching the slender state, we do find refreshments.

General Store of gifts handmade: honey candles, mugs, ornaments and various such Fine Thing find here.

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