The Museum of Precious Stones

The Museum of Precious and Decorative Stones is a public institution, located in the village of Volodars’k-Volyns’k, Zhytomyr region. It is one of the most famous geological museums not only of Ukraine, but of the world. Since 2001, it has become a scientific object, which is in the list of the National Heritages of Ukraine.
The museum collection includes more than 1,700 different items, some of which weigh over 300 pounds. Beryl, goethite, topaz, phenakite, kerrite, microcline, opal, amber, citrine – all these pieces have different shapes, sizes and colours – from bright yellow to smoky. These samples of mineral resources from Ukraine, the CIS, Europe, Africa, and America are divided into five exquisite collections belonging to the Museum of Precious and Decorative Stones.
The most interesting exhibits include a druse of black quartz and Marion weighing 361 kg, a dark crimson granite from Tokivs’ke Deposit, a labradorite with bright orange-greenish texture from Fedorivs’ke Deposit, golden citrines and Marmarosh diamonds. Moreover, in the museum of Volodars’k-Volyns’kyi you’ll have a unique opportunity to touch a regolith – real lunar soil, donated by astronauts. In addition, here you will see an Ural bright green malachite, blue aquamarines from Pakistan and Brazil, a rich red ruby from Brazil and a turquoise of unique hue from Central Asia.
The Museum of Precious and Decorative Stones is also famous due to its registered six samples of mineral resources of Ukraine – beryl “Apostles Petro and Pavlo” of olive hue, beryl with magical facets “Academician Yevhen Lazarenko”, and topazes “Dzhereltse”, “Kazka”, “Zolote Polissya”, “Academician Alexander Fersman”. All these exhibits were included to the Historical Foundation of Precious Metals and Stones of Ukraine in 2001. An interesting fact – each of these crystals has its own certificate!
You should pay special attention to the room of finished products with precious stones – you wouldn’t tear your eyes away! In this room you can see a real solar stone – amber, and of course, enjoy the variety of precious stones from Volhynia Deposit.
The Museum of Precious and Decorative Stones is located on 58, Karl Marx Street, in Volodars’k-Volyns’kyi of Zhytomyr region. You can easily get here by public transport.