Ukrainian National Republic (UNR) Museum

Grand opening of the museum UNR January 22, 2009. This date was timed to coincide with the anniversary of the Unification of Ukraine. The building in which the exposition of the museum is the former home of the teacher. It is not surprising, because it is here that once the first Parliament based UNR.
Indoors tried to recreate as closely as possible the historical topography of the house at the time, when there has been working the Ukrainian Central Rada. Museum UNR entirely devoted to the period of the National Revolution of 1917-1921 years, when Ukraine was trying to proclaim their autonomy and is completely separate from Russia. Due to the last president of the UNR Nikolay Pavlyuk transferor valuable relics in the museum were rare exhibits, including documents, photos, personal belongings, awards and books autographed by statesmen. In the center of the exhibition is the State Emblem of UNR - "Trident".
It should be added that in January 2010 the work of the museum has been suspended in connection with the decree of the President of Ukraine, he even planned to completely eliminate. However, in February 2011, the museum reopened in the usual way and continues to work on a permanent basis.