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Park named after the Newspaper "Pravda"

Park named after the Newspaper

Landscape gardening highlight of Krivoy Rog is park them. "Pravda" newspaper. It was founded in 1932 and is considered the oldest in the city. It`s a great place for the whole family.

Day in the Park "Truth" - a walk through the winding alleys shaded by lush trees, boating and catamaran sailing, relaxing on the beach, the opportunity to participate in a variety of activities and events from the administration of the park.

Here you will visit the hanging bridges and boat station, which offers stunning views of the river and Ingulets SAKSAGAN. See the mini-museum of rocks provided specifically for the park by local enterprises. For your children there are different attractions and entertainment. And from the rope park in delight not only children but also adults. In addition, on the summer stage area near the fountain, usually on Sunday, playing a live orchestra. In addition, there is also conduct various workshops. And children and adults waiting in the summer reading room.

Park "Truth" is next to Karl Marx Avenue, where there are many attractions, including restaurants and cafes.

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Вражаючий Кривий Ріг
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