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Sholokhov waterfall

Sholokhov waterfall

Cascading waterfall, known as the "Red Rocks" - one of the most beautiful places in the Dnipropetrovsk region. Oasis, spread among the picturesque hills, every year attracts many tourists.

Enjoy the contemplation of noisy waterfall, whose length is about 14 meters, best in spring, when the torrents particularly affluent. The waterfall consists not only of the cascades, which reach heights of five feet, but also the thresholds and granite "baths", which is its highlight. Not far from the falls is a picturesque lake.

In Soviet times, the waterfall was almost destroyed. Its name - "Red Rocks", he received because of granite rocks, which flows a waterfall, have a characteristic reddish tinge. Earlier in these places are the stone crushing plant, you can find traces of the production to this day. Produced here granite was used for the construction of many buildings. For example, they were faced Moscow bridge and metro station. Because of the demolition works, which were conducted during the extraction of stone, waterfall hurt. A rare plant that grows in the area have disappeared.

Is this hydrological natural monument 55 km from Nikopol and 100 km from Dnipropetrovsk .

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