Dzharylhach Island

Desert island - so you can say about this place reserved, bordering the Black Sea. Dzharylgach separated from the mainland by a narrow strait, which from time to time entered sand. An aerial view of the island looks like an elongated strip. This plot of land - the second longest in Ukraine - 42 kilometers]. But it reaches a width of only 4.8 kilometers.
Dzharylgach - Turkic name, which translated means "burnt trees." With the onset of the summer season on the island appear tourists cruising boat voyage. But when it comes cold, vacationers are leaving.
Most tourists are attracted by local flora and fauna. Rare steppe, meadow, marsh vegetation, swans, gulls, and even the Red Book satyr.
Adorns the island 24 IU centers lighthouse , built on the project of one of the disciples of the famous author of the Eiffel Tower . It was made in Paris and established in the early 20th century.
The island has many braids. Near one of them is a marina, thanks to which the message is to the mainland. However, in the winter time is not regular transport runs - on the ferry, you can negotiate with local boatmen.