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Kaniv Nature Reserve

Kaniv Nature Reserve

Wonder of nature - Kanev Reserve, located in the heart of Ukraine. This is one of the oldest protected sites of the country, spread over an area of 2 thousand. Hectares.

Hills covered with green forests, deep ravines, which is spread in the early morning mist, the islands, scattered along the Dnieper river ... It is a paradise for lovers of the beauty that nature gives us. The site is impressive in its richness and diversity: oaks and pines, over a thousand species of fungi, rare relict species of plants, flowers and herbs listed in the Red Book of Ukraine.
The reserve is home to a variety of birds: eagles nest on the islands, there are black storks, Balaban, serpent, white and gray herons. These places are home to moose, roe deer, wild boars, otters and many other animals, all of which are rarely found in the wild.
For visitors to the reserve created several nature trails. They also offer to visit the Museum of Nature, which employs seven departments.
And next door to the sanctuary is Tarasova Gora - the one where lie the great Ukrainian poet Taras Shevchenko, on whose grave every year comes a lot of tourists.

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