Culture Centre in Zhovti Vody
City Yellow Waters relatively small, but even staying here you can make interesting and memorable.
Palace of Culture in the Yellow Waters appeared in 1957. On the palace project worked famous Moscow architect A. Alexandrov. The project was unique. For the same samples was later built the Palace of Arts in Czechoslovakia. The building is distinguished by its elegance and striking stands out from the other buildings of the city. In 1985, the palace in the Yellow Waters brought to the list of architectural monuments of Dnepropetrovsk region.
Today it is a modern center of folk art, culture and leisure. In the palace you can have fun and to spend time. There is a concert hall with 720 seats for concerts, presentations and shows. There is also a banquet hall for 50 seats, which is perfect for celebrations and anniversaries. For dance programs fit the Hall of Mirrors. Separately available space for solo exhibitions, lectures and workshops. On a regular basis are 7 amateur groups. Residents of the Yellow Waters are proud of their unique Palace of Culture.