Scythian shafts
Scythian shafts in Nemirov settlement - is a real storehouse of historical artifacts, ancient legends, myths and evidence of the power of the Scythians.
Some historians date Nemyrivske mound 7-5 centuries BC and argue that these places were land dwelling Scythians. Whatever it was, but the results of numerous excavations indicate that the long period of time the land was inhabited by ancient peoples. They left behind a bronze and bone Nakonechniy arrows, pottery, bronze jewelry, household items and much more.
It is the legend of the riches and treasures of the Scythians attracted to the territory of the present Vinnytsia region not only archaeologists, but also illegal treasure seekers.
Legends of the enormous treasure was left untouched and Prince Grigory Stroganov, which the land was inherited in 1862. Perennial excavations led to the enrichment of the prince, but it possible to find the remains of the Scythians, as well as a huge number of weapons, utensils, bronze statues and other artifacts. All these findings, as well as those carried out in time, become part of the exhibition of the Hermitage and the Institute of Archaeology, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine in Kiev.