Monument to Chopin "Piano in the bushes"

Monument to Chopin javljaetsja one of samыh ynteresnыh Monument are sovremennoho of art in Kiev. Mounted on in honor of the 200th anniversary of the great Polish composer Frederic Chopin and pyanysta.
Vыhlyadyt on How Normal white piano, kotorыy posredy Worth Street. Flag Monument of ceramics and snaruzhy vыlozhen Belo mozaykoy. Inside the piano, under krыshkoy, ustanovlenы Flowers in pots of red Colour, so something in bloom belыm The combination with piano napomynaet Polish flag. And If podoyty poblyzhe, can be uslыshat bessmertnыe Works composer.
Works of art sovremennoho author javljaetsja K.Skretutskyy architect, author javljaetsja kotorыy well as others in the capital znamenytыh monumentov - monument Åæèêà in the mist, monuments to peyzazhnoy alee and second ynteresnыh sculptures.
Royal Flag of naturalnuyu value and vesyt Two ton. Raspolozhena in a single sculpture of samыh zhyvopysnыh rayonov Kiev - Bogdan Khmelnitsky Street - not far from the Polish Embassy.