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Serpent`s Wall

Serpent`s Wall

It has long been the territory of Ukraine is the legendary historical events. Many of these events have played an important role in the formation of modern states, and many forever imprinted epics and legends in the folklore of various nations of Europe. To date, one of the biggest mysteries of Ukraine remain Serpent`s Wall.

Serpent`s Wall in the Kyiv region are the largest system of earthworks on the territory of Ukraine. This system consists of embankments of different sizes and heights. Some trees reach 12 meters in height and 20 meters in width. Most of them face the south and southeast of the country.

Until now, there is debate as to when and by whom they were erected ramparts. We only know one thing - they defended settled tribes of farmers from the onslaught of the steppe nomads. One of the most striking and unusual explanations of the origin embankments described in ancient legend of the hero Nikita Kozhemyako and Snake Dragon. According to legend, the serpent (the personification of all evil) suggested athlete divide all the land equally. Nikita snake harnessed to the yoke, and thus established the boundaries of Kiev to the Black Sea. The snake is drowned in the sea. The huge serpent plowed furrow and was called "serpents shafts."

Many more interesting and mysterious connected with these places. For example, trees included in the list of Hitler`s justification, since, in his opinion, the Ukrainian lands historically belonged to Germany. Serpent`s Wall - a place where history comes alive.


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Переяслав-Хмельницкий - город-музей
Переяслав-Хмельницкий хоть и небольшой городок, но хранит в себе большую и богатую историю. Историю, который должен знать каждый украинец. Этот город сосредоточил в себе достаточное количество значимых архитектурных памятников. Однодневный тур в Переяслав-Хмельницкий оставит лучшие впечатления и откроет для вас что-то новое и интересное. Вы увидите: Борисоглебский собор; Свято-Троицкую церковь; Успенский собор; Михайловскую церковь; колокольню и коллегиум Вознесенского собора; знаменитую своими решающими историческими событями площадь; Змиевы валы, откуда открывается прекраснейший вид на великий и могучий Днепр; популярный и богатый музей народной архитектуры и быта, который содержит в себе сокровищные коллекции разнообразных памятников Украины. Источник фото: kalipsoua.com.  Пограмма тура:
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