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History and Local Lore Museum, Uhniv

History and Local Lore Museum, Uhniv

Every city in Ukraine in its own beautiful and unique. Get to know the fascinating history of any, even the smallest, the city can be a local history museum.

In Lviv is one of the smallest cities in Ukraine - Uhniv. But, despite its modest size, it is very interesting. In the historical museum have the opportunity to become better acquainted with this amazing town.

Ugnevsky museum is located in a small wooden two-story house. In style it reminds home merchants. The museum was opened in 2006 on the initiative of the edge patriot teacher Lyceum G. Houben.

The museum exposition covers different periods of history Uhniv. Are well represented unique household items, crafts, clothing ugnevtsev, which will tell you about the traditions and customs of their lives. In the museum you can learn about famous people who were born and lived here. It is the perfect place where you can quickly and interesting to learn all about the city Uhniv.

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Зачастую, туристы ограничиваются достопримечательностями старого Львова. Да и местные жители не всегда знают, что находиться у них под боком. А ведь западная часть страны скрывает еще много интересного.
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