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Kurenivsky Park, Kyiv

Kurenivsky Park, Kyiv

In the Podolsk district of Kiev, in the triangle of streets Helena Teligi, Frunze and Moscow Avenue, is a small green area. Before the 1917 revolution there was a brick factory, and after World War II - shops and train station "Kurenivka." However, it was destroyed by the mud flow from the Babi Yar in 1961, the same year was demolished and residential district, killing hundreds of people. Restore the station after the tragedy did not, but this place was broken   Frunze Park, later renamed Kurynivska.

In 2000, the park was reconstructed. Now he is a neat, well-groomed, well lit at night. Here you will find everything for families with children, and even more. In addition to children`s playgrounds, which will not surprise the people of Kiev,   Kurynivska in the park has a children`s AutoCity. Here, everything is now, as an adult, but smaller in size: the road with markings and signs, intersections, interchanges. Children can, riding a little car, learn the rules of the road.

The park operates Georgian Restaurant - attracts visitors   beautiful fountain. Also in the park is the club Concert Hall "FreeDom."


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