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Owl Sculpture

Owl Sculpture

Cozy little square, bred at the intersection of Oles Gonchar and Large Zhytomyr, boasts exceptional sculptures. Typecasting Kiev intellectuals appear before the guests park in the form of birds. Here will meet Kingfisher , Raven , Sparrow and the owl.

Each of these sculptures meets certain way. For example, Zimirodok - shy intellectual, Sparrow - an intellectual rebel, and Raven - sage, able to intelligently manage power.

PhD owl became a symbol of wisdom and science devoted to academics and professors. And if the first sculpture, Kingfisher, turned sad and pessimistic, the Owl felt more optimistic. On a concrete base, which is a bronze sculpture, means that the "intelligentsia educates the present."

By the way, the author plans to create the fifth sculpture. It should be a hoopoe - a symbol of writers, actors and intellectuals.


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