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The tract Kamenica

The tract Kamenica

Ukraine - a country with an amazing, rich history. Spacious field, dense forests have seen in my lifetime a lot of victories and defeats. Many tales and legends composed about the brave and strong men. About the bravery and courage of the Ukrainian people is known all over the world.

One of the legendary places in the history of Ukraine took the tract Kamenica. It is located in the north-western part of Rzhyshchiv. This place is fanned by a halo of myths. To the present day on the territory of the tract remains of Cossack times: shafts, tunnels and ditch watchtower.

The tract Kamenica really like as lovers of antiquity, who can see the lush greenery of the history of his native land, and those who are interested in searching for treasures. According to one legend, three Cossacks, who defended the fortress in the last siege for her, hidden in one of the wells with the regimental treasury chest. Who knows, maybe these treasures are still there.

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