Forest Area "Haidamatskyi Yar"

Tired of the hustle and frantic rhythm of the city? Noisy companies you do not like? Then you might want to visit one of the most magical places in Ukraine - Haidamak Yar. It is located on the territory of the reserve "Bush" .
Here you will find a unique combination of mystery and magic. This place can be called an open air museum. Only the author of all the works of one - nature. Through the thick undergrowth of the forest makes its way Bushanka river. The air here is particularly clean, you can enjoy the peace and present himself as a hero of the epic Tripoli.
Along the river is the most interesting part of the fabulous tract. This is a huge intricate sculptures of sandstone. Over their creation worked great masters - wind, sun and water. And many of them have played a significant role in the history of Ukraine: for example, "haidamak" - the rock of the cave, which in the 18th century was a haven Haidamaks. That is why the tract is called "Haidamak yar." Very popular with tourists are the rocky sandstone "mushroom" and "Sheep", which form justifies its name.
And there are reminders of time haidamak ravine, there are about 150 there is, what to see and things to marvel at. This is a unique geological monument, in which you begin to believe in a fairy tale!