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Museum of the History sewerage, Kiev

Museum of the History sewerage, Kiev

Kiev is rich in unusual themed museums, among them the Museum of History and sewerage - tourist site, which few people know. Such thematic museums exist in many cities around the world, but in Ukraine such a museum. Well chosen location of the exhibition, because there is a museum in an old pumping station, on the Left Bank. The opening took place in the early 90s of the 20th century, and was dedicated to the centennial of the founding of the capital sewer systems.

The museum`s collection is devoted to the history of the origin and development of sewerage system in the world, a jewel of the collection - drawings of the first systems that were in ancient Greece and ancient Rome, because it is in these states were first sewer. After visiting the museum, visitors will learn a lot about how organized sanitation in Kiev, long before the appearance of the central systems. In the museum, numerous archival documents that store information about the construction of the first in Kiev sewers.

You can also get acquainted with the work of modern sewer service. In the courtyard of the elements exhibited elevated water pipes, sewerage equipment, there is also a water faucet.

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