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Potocki Palace (Chervonohrad)

Potocki Palace (Chervonohrad)

72 km from Lviv is a mining town Chervonograd, formerly Kristinopolem. It was named in honor of his wife (Christine), founder of the city - Feliks Kazimierz Potocki.

It is also the family Potocki palace, built in the 18th century baroque and classicism by Italian architect Rico de Tirrendzheli. The once-glittering palace of luxury. Today he was cast into a branch of the Lviv Museum of religion . The building is damaged by fire and is under restoration. However, several exhibitions open.

The empty halls of the palace keep the memory of a tragic love story. Young Count Stanislaw Potocki was in love with Gertrude Komarovsky. But his parents had dreamed of another party for her son. The couple wed in secret. Gertrude was waiting for the firstborn. But the young wife of Count kidnapped by order of his father. She drove to the monastery. Cries of girls tried to muffle pillow and unhappy gasped. In another version, she was strangled specifically. The body of the beloved Count thrown into the hole.

After her death, Stanislav tried to commit suicide. Then Stanislav was married twice. First time - the per Josephine Mnishek. After her death he married a second time graph for love on courtesan Sophia de Witt. In honor of her famous arboretum laid Stanislav Sofievka in Uman. But after the death of the Count on his chest was found a portrait of Gertrude ...

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