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Memorial "Horolskij pit"


Memorial "Khorolskaya hole" was discovered in 1991. It was founded on the site of a mass grave in the village of Khorol . It is famous for its sad statistic of one of the largest burial sites of victims of German concentration camps.

Concentration camp functioned for several years on the territory of a brick factory, thousands of prisoners were brought here, women, children and elderly residents Khorol. During the Great Patriotic War were killed, almost all the prisoners of the concentration camps. Deaths were brought in desolate quarry, down the body unmarked. During the war, the victims of these camps were about 90 thousand residents of the Poltava region.

Before the opening of the memorial has a sculpture, a monument symbolizing the thousands of families, innocent victims in the territory of the camp. Locals bring fresh flowers to the memorial in memory of the victims of German concentration camps.

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