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The memorial sign to teachers and students, Poltava
Інститутський проріз 32, Полтава 36000, Україна
In honor of the dead students and workers Engineering Institute on the fronts of World War II established a memorial teachers and students in Poltava . The sculpture is a composition of granite candy bars in the center of which stands a high relief image of a soldier with a girl. History ...
Memorial to the defenders of law and order, Poltava
вул. Червоноармійська, Полтава 36000, Україна
At the corner of Red Army soldiers and Pushkin`s Poltava set a memorial to fallen defenders of law and order. This complex is an expression of respect for the employees of the Interior Ministry who gave their lives defending their home country and the civilian population, protecting law and order. ...
The Memorial, Myrgorod
вул. Київська, м. Миргород 37600, Полтавська обл., Україна
Probably not a settlement on the territory of Ukraine, which would be spared war of 1941-1945. Myrgorod no exception. In 1975, on the northern outskirts of the town erected a memorial. Historical Background In September 1941, German troops entered Myrgorod. And in the 734 days set in the "new ...
Memorial Complex of Eternal Glory, Myrgorod
вул. Гоголя, м. Миргород 37600, Полтавська обл., Україна
The place of execution of civilians Myrgorod
вул. Миргородських Дивізій, м. Миргород 37600, Полтавська обл., Україна
The invaders set foot on land Mirgorodska in September 1941. And they launched their "domination" of executions. Tetrahedral stone on a street in the city recalls the place where there was the shooting of civilians. Historical Background September 14, 1941 in the afternoon to Mirgoroda burst ...
Memorial "Horolskij pit"
вул. Леніна, м. Хорол 37800, Полтавська обл., Україна
Memorial "Khorolskaya hole" was discovered in 1991. It was founded on the site of a mass grave in the village of Khorol . It is famous for its sad statistic of one of the largest burial sites of victims of German concentration camps. Concentration camp functioned for several years on the ...
Memorial of Glory, Dykanka
вул. Леніна, смт Диканька 38500, Полтавська обл., Україна
Memory lane, Kobelyaki
вул. Шевченка, м. Кобеляки 39200, Полтавська обл., Україна
Mass grave, Myrgorod
вул. Гоголя 184, м. Миргород 37600, Полтавська обл., Україна
Memorial sign Kobelyaki
м. Кобеляки 39200, Полтавська обл., Україна
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