The first power station in Kiev

When at the beginning of the 20th century began the notorious urban electrification, here and there began to emerge the power plant; typically heat. This was the very first station built in Zaporozhye in 1911.
Since this time the thermal energy is used everywhere, the first power plant in Zaporozhye was also heat and solid fuel: mostly on coal or peat. The power station was laughable by today`s standards, but also energy needs then were much more modest.
Today in this building are the management of urban power grids and shields substation Zhovtnevy area.
Power Architecture
Attractive looks the building power plants, executed in pseudo-Gothic style with picture windows. When Zaporozhye was the county town Aleksandrovsk, its mayor was Felix Movchanovsky. He is credited with building the first and the thermal power plant.
Although only one floor, the building has a height of 7 meters and a two-storey extension of brick height of about 9 meters. The plinth of the building is made of granite, rising a meter from the ground. Inside the building, there were two gas-engine DC generators of 100 kW each.
How to get to the first power plant in Zaporozhye
Today is the first power plant in Zaporozhye is located on Gorky Street 73 (formerly Yekaterinoslav), overlooking the main square of Pushkin. From the railway station Zaporizhzhya-1 to Gorky Street can be reached by tram number 16 or bus № 74. From the bus station you will approach a bus number 2.