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Old Town Hall, Chertkov

Old Town Hall, Chertkov

The Town Hall was built in 1908. The idea of ​​creating the town hall belonged to the then city mayor Ludvik Noss. He longed to   Town Hall was built in an unusual Chortkiv   Scandinavian style.

According to many sources, the clock to the town hall made the famous Swiss watchmaker Frenkal Gottenshaften. The entire length of the town hall lasted trade rows that existed at this location since the late 19th century. This tradition has survived to our times, so Chortkiv market is the most picturesque in the Ternopil region. Old Town Hall with quadrangular small clock tower and weather vane, rooster is considered the hallmark of the city.

New town hall in Chortkiv built in 1926-1930 years. This town hall, in contrast to the old, lives up to its purpose - it is the city council.

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