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Potocki Palace, Paradise

Potocki Palace, Paradise

Potocki family palace can be visited in the village of Paradise Ternopil region.   The Palace has a long history   and was first named Rhoda Senyavskaya to 1726. Around the 16th century there was built a hunting castle, which had towers on its perimeter.

In this palace there were many famous people. Peter I often spent time there, except that at various times visited the palace and the Prince Ivan Mazepa F. Rakoczy. In 1709 it was destroyed by the Swedes who came to the village. After the death of Senyavskaya in 1726 and until the late 18th century the village to the possession of Potocki family. It was Alexander Potocki and built a palace square building on two levels. Later, it was built around a landscaped park, which has long been in disrepair. In the 19th century the palace was rebuilt, and it has acquired the features of classicism.

Until recently, the space occupied children`s sanatorium, but now the building is in disrepair.

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